That written, there are some things that I almost always do to fix problems or set up machines to work the way I prefer. Some of those things appear below for my reference, and may become dated as time marches on.
$ sudo badblocks -b 8192 -vw -o ~/badblocks.dat /dev/XYZ
Here the -b 8192 is needed for very large storage devices, the -v is used for verbose, -w is used for writing and reading, which will destroy all data on your storage device. (There are ways of running this kind of command without destroying the data, but I found it was too slow.)
There are ways of using the data file to safely use a device with problems, but I recommend that if badblocks does flag problems, don't use that storage device ... and don't give it to a friend.
Make sure the power supply is plugged in [and any peripheral is removed and disconnected.] Press and hold the [Windows]+[B] key, then press the power on button for 1 to 3 seconds ... keep pressing the [Windows]+[B] key. My computer will not beep, but the [CapsLock] button will blink (on the order of a few seconds on-off-on-off...). After a minute of that, I let go of the [Windows]+[B] button. The [CapsLock] button continues to blink, and there is still no screen activity, and the power button light is on ... no cycling. After another minute or so, I press the power button until it shuts off. Then, I press the power on button and it comes back to life normally.
After the battery ran out, I had left the computer plugged in for a few hours, and when it cam back to life using the above method, the battery appeared to be fully charged. It did seem to charge in that confused state, which I guess is a good thing.
See for more hints. No other method worked, it never beeped, and no "BIOS-update" screen window opened. But, it does seem that [Windows]+[B] is an emergency BIOS restore or fix that works.
Obviously, there is a documented fix, however it may be hard to figure out. This bug may have inspired many people to discard their computer ... or pay someone a lot of money to recover.
x0tigervncserver -passwordfile ~/.vnc/passwd -display :0 -AcceptSetDesktopSize=0 -AlwaysShared=1 &
To connect to vnc server on another local client computer with a given IP address:
ssvncviewer <IP address>/tt>
If I manage to set up a vncserver over ssh tunnels, connect to it using:
$ ssvncviewer -via localhost:<port>
where <port> is the port number.
Although not my preferred way to produce documents, it is quick and practical unless the dialog menu fonts are simply too small. In that case, the following seems to work wonders:
$ sudo apt purge libreoffice-qt5
$ sudo apt install libreoffice-kf5
lubuntu doesn’t automatically set up that annoying swap partition, but sometimes swap is needed.
To setup a 16GB swap file (with 16383 1-M blocks), do the following. Remember, the dd command can ruin not only your disk, but also your life when it deletes important and non-backed-up files, so be very careful with it.
Note that some like to use /dev/random instead of /dev/zero.
To disable the very annoying update nagware
$ sudo emacs /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager/
and add a return statement so that it now looks like:
... def start_available(self, cancelled_update=False, error_occurred=False): self._look_busy() self.refresh_cache() return # <<<--- added statement if self.cache is None: return
I don't know if this works any more:
$ sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.service apt-daily-upgrade.service
$ sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.timer apt-daily-upgrade.timer
But be warned that you have to keep software up-to-date manually (or use automatic update, next).
Disable keyring password prompt
sudo ufw allow proto udp from to any port 1714:1764 comment 'kdeconnect' sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 1714:1764 comment 'kdeconnect'
Add these lines to the end of /etc/ssh/ssh_config, presuming that is the local ip address of the ipad,
Host ipad HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
Make sure you have a set of rsa keys for root to allow password-less access to the ipad
$ sudo su # ssh root@ipad
If you need to enter your password, abort and do (as root),
# ssh-keygen
Take the defaults including entering the ipad root password and then see if you can log in without a password.
If all is good, then you can create the ipad directory if it doesn't exist already, here named, /home/bob/ipad, and then update /etc/fstab to include the following entry all on one line:
root@ /home/bob/ipad fuse.sshfs comment=sshfs,defaults,transform_symlinks,users,exec,auto,allow_other,_netdev,reconnect,uid=1000,gid=1000,HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa,IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa 0 0
Then you can try to automatically mount it using
$ sudo mount -a
It should not ask for a password and it should survive reboots provided the ipad is turned and on the lan.