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 Ancillary Materials

Learn the Greek Alphabet (wikipedia)

αβγ δεζ ηθι κλμ ν ξοπ ρστ υφχ ψω

The apparent weight of an hourglass – If you want to challenge yourself, or an expert in physics, consider this: If an hourglass weighs $W$, and it is flipped over and placed on a very sensitive scale with its sand falling steadily, will the reading on that scale be greater than, less than, or equal to the weight of the hourglass?
The witch scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail A culturally-insenstive, funny comedy with a vague and incorrect reference to buoyancy...but funny nevertheless.

PhET Simulations

These links to colorado.edu are playful interactive computer simulations for a variety of phenonmena:

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jones.3 (R Jones)
Last Modified 00:12:19 02-Apr-2022