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 Work, Energy, & Conservation of Energy

What is energy?: Richard Feynman (wikipedia.org) explains precisely what energy is in this video.

You will have correct insight into exactly what energy is ... if you listen to and understand the Feynman explanation above.

The Joule

The SI unit of energy is the Joule (named after one of the early inventors of energy): \[ \fbox{$ 1\,\mbox{Joule} = 1\,\mbox{J} = 1\,\mbox{kg (m/s)$^2$} = 1\,\mbox{N m} $} \]

Energy System

The energy system is a region of space defined by an imaginary boundary. The energy system should be defined carefully so that it includes what we want it to include. [The energy system is analogous to the child's room.]

Kinetic Energy

The kinetic energy of a point mass $m$ moving with velocity $\vec{v}$ is defined to be \[ \fbox{${K} = \tfrac12\,m\,v^2 $}\] which depends only on the object's mass and its speed. This is energy of motion.

If there are several masses, all moving, the total kinetic energy is the algebraic sum of the individual kinetic energies.

We invent that formula consistent with other facts. It is used by looking in the energy system, measuring system properties (e.g., masses and velocities), and then computing a number we call kinetic energy.

[This is analogous to one term in the mom's formula, like the toy box term.]


Work has a very specific definition in the context of physics. It is the amount of energy added to or removed from the energy system by an external agent, and it can do so only by exerting a force on something moving within the energy system. We have no other way of changing the energy of the energy system except via work done by an external agent exerting a force on something moving within the energy system.

If the external force $\vec{F}$ is constant, and the displacement of the thing moving that it acts on is also a straight line $\vec{d}$, the work the external agent does is \[ \mbox{Work} = \vec{F}\cdot \vec{d} = F\,d\,\cos(\theta) \] where "$\cdot$" represents the "dot product" and $\theta$ is the angle between $\vec{F}$ and $\vec{d}$.

The SI unit of work is the Joule, the same as that of energy. $1\,\mbox{J}=1\,\mbox{N m}$.

Encoded in this formula is the possibility that work is positive, negative, or zero. $F$ and $d$ are never negative, but even if they are not zero, the work can be zero if $\theta=90^\circ$, negative if $90^\circ\lt\theta\le 180^\circ$, or positive if $0^\circ \le\theta \lt 90^\circ$.

[In the analogy, the child's friend bringing blocks over corresponds to positive work, throwing blocks out the window corresponds to negative work.]

The next diagram gives, by example, situations where work is negative, positive, or zero. Here $F$ is the external force and $D$ is the displacement of the object that force acts on.

Quite often, introductory problems ask you to calculate the work done without going through the process of defining an energy system. In that case, if something does work, that something is assumed to be external to the energy system (as it must be).

The problem is quite often also worded as, "how much work does a force do?", but there is always an external agent exerting that force and it is more pedantically correct to ask "how much work does the external agent do?"

Keep these subtleties in mind as you do problems.


There are many types of energy besides kinetic energy.

To determine how much energy is in the system at a given time, one looks in the energy system at the system properties, and plugs those system properties into formulas to tally up the total energy.

[In the analogy, the child's mom enters the room, measures the weight of the toy box, depth of the bath water, and so on; then plugs those results into the formula to determine the total number of blocks in the room.]

Things do change as time marches on, but often we are not concerned about the details of those changes, we are only concerned about the situation at a given instant, how much energy is in the system at a given event.

The formulas for the energy are defined in the context of this construct, not derived. In the end, they must provide answers to questions consistent with Newton's laws.

A summary of the types of energy and the generic formulas we encounter in this chapter is:

Given the above limited set of possible energies, at a given instant, the total energy in the system is the sum, \[ E_\mbox{tot} = K + U_g + U_s + U_\mbox{int} \]

Work-Energy Bar Charts

At a given instant, or event, energy computations turn into a sort of accounting problem (like counting the blocks in the child's room). To develop a visual picture, we find that a [qualitative] bar chart is quite useful to represent the various energies in a system:

In that diagram, hints of where the bars can be placed are given. The kinetic energy $K$ is never negative and the gravitational potential energy $U_g$ can be zero, positive, or negative.

If there is some energy of the various kinds at a given instant, the bar chart might look like:

Here, the total energy is computed to be $E=(3)+(-2)+(4)+(0)=5\,\mbox{J}$, but it may simply be a qualitative representation showing relative amounts and signs, or if something is zero.

Potential Energy and Conservative Forces

If the force is conservative, we can introduce a potential energy. A force is conservative if a video recording of some process looks natural when played in reverse. Two examples:

The gravitational force is conservative: If I video record a ball tossed in the air, and play it backward, it looks natural. To the gravitational force, we can associate a gravitational potential energy, $U_g$.

The kinetic friction force is not conservative: If I video record a box sliding across the floor, slowing to a stop because of friction, and then play it backwards, it will not look natural as the box spontaneously slides back with increasing speed. To the friction force, we cannot associate a potential energy. Instead, since the surfaces rub together, they warm slightly and the energy goes into thermal energy, $U_\mbox{int}$. (Ultimately, thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy because of the increased kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules in the heated material.)

The relationship between conservative forces and potential energy is the reason why potential energy is sometimes invented ($U_g$ and $U_s$) and sometimes not ($U_\mbox{int}$).

Conservation of Energy

The reason the energy construct is so useful is that the energy of a closed system will not change. Energy is conserved.

The only way the energy of the system can change is if an external agent does work, and the only way that happens is if it reaches in through the energy boundary and exerts a force on something moving within the energy system.

This means that we can look at the energy of an energy system at two different times, and then write \[\fbox{$\displaystyle \mbox{Initial Energy} + \mbox{Work} = \mbox{Final Energy} + \mbox{Internal Energy Change} $}\] Note that $\Delta U_\mbox{int}$ (Internal Energy Change) is put on the right-hand side of the equation. This change in internal energy represents the "loss" of mechanical energy, usually to thermal energy, but also to other non-mechanical forms of energy like sound, light, or chemical energy.

This equation for energy conservation represents a very abstract construct and I find that the bar chart can be a very useful visual representation.

Work-Energy Bar Charts and Conservation of Energy

The bar chart can be used to represent the amount of energy at two different times, but we must also include the possibility that the energy will increase or decrease by including work in the menu of possible items.

There are some hints in the bar chart. For example, kinetic energy and elastic potential energy are never negative, but gravitational potential energy, work, and internal energy change can be negative, zero, or positive.

An important feature of the bar chart is that it allows one to set up the problem, realizing which terms are zero or non-zero, and the relative amounts of each energy.

As we fill up the bar chart with bars, we must be careful to balance the bars on both sides (taking into account sign).

To see how it all works, let's consider a familiar example. I will also do this problem twice by using two different energy systems.


is the rate at which energy is converted from one for to another. The SI unit of energy is the Watt, which is a Joule per second. \[ P = \frac{\Delta E}{\Delta t} \qquad \qquad [P] = \frac{\mbox{J}}{{s}}=\mbox{W} \] In all problems related to power, we must compute the rate at which energy is converted from one form into another.

Efficiency of an energy conversion is related to whether or not the final forms of energy are desired or not. If a lamp converts 100 Joules of electrical potential energy into 80 Joules of desirable visible light energy and 20 Joules of undesirable thermal energy, then the efficiency of the conversion (electricity to light) is 80%. We can also use the language of power: The 100-Watt lightbulb is 80% efficient. If we now consider the heat (thermal energy) given of by the bulb to be useful to warm a room, its efficiency would become 100%.

Example 1: Dropping stone

What is the average rate at which energy is converted from gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy when we drop a one-kilogram stone through a distance of one meter? (Disregard effects due to the air.)

Example 2: Climbing stairs

Suppose I walk up a flight of stairs (vertical height of $h=2.50\,\mbox{m}$) and it takes me $\Delta t=7.40\,\mbox{s}$. My mass is $m=80.0\,\mbox{kg}$. At what rate am I converting chemical potential energy (via biological metabolism) into gravitational potential energy.

This process is less than 100% efficient: Not all of the energy I convert from stored chemical potential energy is converted into gravitational potential energy while climbing the stairs. Compare the calculated power required to climb the stairs to my basal metabolic rate (wikipedia) of about 1700 Calories per day, about $82\,\mbox{W}$. $(1\,\mbox{Calorie}=1000\,\mbox{calories})$

Example 3: Charging cell phone

Suppose we charge a cell phone via a typical 12-Watt USB supply (5VDC/2.4A) for thirty minutes. During that time, how much electrical potential energy is converted into chemical potential energy (battery "charge") and thermal energy (the battery gets a little warm). This charging process is certainly not 100% efficient.

If that same amount of energy were used to lift a one-kilogram mass ($1\,\mbox{liter}$ of water) instead, how high would it be lifted assuming 100% efficiency?

Note: This problem is a little unrealistic since the actual power decreases as the battery approaches "full charge".

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Last Modified 12:37:33 26-Feb-2022